Der süße Amerikaner Ryan Cavanagh ist ein feiner Mann. Zwar verbringt er seine Nächte in den Clubs der Welt, trotzdem trägt er kein Neon, schnieft die Nase oder sieht wie ein Häufchen Elend aus. Ryan trägt Bart, mag Hemden und könnte auch gut Tischler, Folksänger oder großer Bruder sein. Und auch seine Musik riecht eher nach Vanille, als nach Schweiß. Statt dröhnender Elektromucke, die man erst ab dem fünften Doppelten aushalten kann, sind SLOW HANDS Sets viel angenehmer und eben irgendwie slow. Nächsten Freitag könnt ihr den adretten Herren nicht nur im Watergate treffen, sondern auch seine ganze Crew. Das sich das lohnt, muss ich ja nicht erwähnen. Wir wünschen viel Spaß!

Which was the first song you’ve ever danced to?

"Born In The USA" is the first song I remember dancing to. "Wonderful Tonight" by Clapton was the first song I slow danced to, or at least the first memorable slow dance.

Which was the last song you listened to?

"Night & Day" written by Cole Porter. I was listening to the Stan Getz & Bill Evans version and trying to arrange a chord/melody version for the guitar while I was practicing today.

Which is the song of your youth?

"Candy Rain" by Soul4Real in middle school, I think I wrote the lyrics to that in a Valentine's card for a high school senior I was in love with... she ended up giving me rides to school for the rest of the year.

"Heaven's Scent" by Bedrock was what got me into electronic music. The whole first DMX album, anything on Bad Boy, Clapton to get the girls, ha, there are too many songs!

Which song makes you dance?

"Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac, every time without fail.

Which song makes you enter the stage of a karaoke-bar?

Absolutely none, the only thing that makes me get on stage at a karaoke bar is A LOT of whiskey.

Which musical duo would you like to tear apart and take a part yourself?

Jim Hall & Bill Evans, I couldn't fill either of their shoes, but they are two of the greatest musicians to have ever picked up and played their respective instruments. To be honest, I would never want to break them up, because the music they make together is perfect, but I would love to have sat with either of them and just watched them play.

Which song makes you leave the club?

If I am in a club where music I don't like is being played I am definitely too inebriated to care. The only other reason I would be in a club, outside of work, would be to see a friend play. If they played a shit song I would tell them before I let it bother me enough to leave.

A song no one knows, but the whole world should listen to?

My friend Dave Robertson, who is producing my album with me, produces original music under the moniker Cameo Culture. His forthcoming solo album is absolutely insane and has an EP called Night Swimming that is awesome. He and his girlfriend Alyssa sing on the title song, and it's so beautiful. Great vocalists.

Which song do you like – although you are embarrassed to admit it?

Shania Twain's "Come On Over" album is a pop/country masterpiece. It's so cheesy it's funny, but the music is ridiculously catchy. Anything by Allison Krauss makes me go a little weak at the knees as well, her voice and band are bonkers.

Which line from a song describes you best?

"Oh pour me another drink, And punch me in the face" from "Nancy From Now On" by Father John Misty. I don't know if this best describes me, unless I am having to wake up to catch a 7am flight after a long night, but it's one of my favorite opening lyrics ever. It's so cleverly written, where it sounds like he is saying "oooooooh poooor me", but then he follows up with "another drink", and the "punch me in the face" is just icing on the cake.

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