Der Australier mit dem klein geschriebenem "y" betört unsere Ohren derzeit so wie kein anderer. Jeder möchte dem Mann mit der schönen Stimme zuhören, die Augen schließen und seine Gänsehaut verstecken. Der an der Ostküste Australiens aufgewachsene Ry Cuming hat im letzten Jahr die EP mit dem schönsten Namen der Welt veröffentlicht und schmeichelt uns seitdem mit seinen vier Songs um die Ohren. Mit Entschlossenheit und Tränen im Gesicht zieht Ry nicht nur unsere komplette Aufmerksamkeit auf sich, sondern lässt uns dabei auch still stehen, aufhorchen und erstarren. Anstatt uns mit Tönen und Wörtern zu überschütten, wählt er diese sorgfältig aus und legt sie mit Bedacht vor. Morgen spielt er ein Konzert in Köln im Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld und am Freitag kommt er wieder nach Berlin

Which is the first song you ever danced to?

Probably a record my dad put on.. Lots of old 60s and 70s folk n rock'n'roll.

Which was the last song you listened to?

I was just listening to the new Arcade Fire record as I landed in Heathrow.. I hadn‘t heard it through yet.

The song of your youth?

Which song makes you dance?

I love good house music, in the right place.. somewhere in Berlin, surrounded by friends and moving bodies.. if the music is good, I always want to dance.

Which song makes you enter the stage of a karaoke-bar?

I don't really like karaoke.. But if I did, maybe something Motown.. Donny Hathaway, Al Green.

Which duett partners would you like to tear apart and sing a part yourself?

Rihanna ft. Shakira, or was it the other way around.... So many featurings these days I forget.

Which song makes you leave the club?

Most bad music makes me want to leave a club.. if the music isn't good, then I'm probably not connecting with the people in there either, they are probably not my community. But there's always space for exploration and tension.. A bad song at the right time can be amazing.

A song no one knows, but the whole world should listen to.

People know it, but maybe not enough...

Which song do you like - although you are embarrased to admit?

I'm not really embarrassed to admit things like that.. It's all about the individual and what they connect to. For me, there's a lot of things I like and draw inspiration from.

Which line from a song describes you best?

Ahh, I think someone else might have a better way of answering that than me.. Hard to see yourself honestly in that way..

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